Sunday, April 28, 2013

Finally we have had some nice weather, so here are some pictures of Sam and I doing a little suspension setup on Howie, we couldn't resist the opportunity for some good photos.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

This is a YouTube video of Smokey (previous owner) demonstrating the power that Howe has.  Howe shows up at 3:30.  Make sure to turn up your speakers :-)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A lot has happened with Howe since I last posted.  I don't have a large amount of time so I'll give you the quick rundown. First I have finished the installation of the wire harness and the helper springs in my pickup truck. I am only waiting for new rear shocks to arrive in the mail for the truck to be ready for towing duty.  The trailer is registered and ready for the road pending a small fender fix.  The car is almost ready to go, thanks to the generosity of my brother I now have some stylish numbers (#70) and some Moultroup Racing stickers to go along with it.  Howe's seat is almost complete and just needs to have the old unused harness hole welded up to keep it strong.  I will try to post pictures of the car soon if I get at nice day to take it out of the barn. The first event I will be attending will be an autox style track event at the St. Lawrence Motorsports Park in Morristown NY.  This event will be good practice so I can figure the car out before I am dodging trees May 17. Will give you more details when I have more time soon.